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Organizing Your Research: Introduction

This guide provides an overview for organizing your research using the bibliographic reference tools EndNote and Refworks in addition to a detailed how-to guide on Mendeley and Zotero.

Basics of APA Style

The "Basics of APA Style Tutorial" (American Psychological Association, 2011) provides a guide on applying some of the rules from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition.  This guide is not meant to replace the manual but act as a supplement to it. 

How to Use this LibGuide

Bibliographic reference tools, also known as bibliographic management software or citation managers, are robust tools that help you manage, organize and track your research as well as format bibliographies and in-text citations formatted in the appropriate style (APA, MLA, or Chicago).

Bibliographic Reference Tools allow you to:

  • Create bibliographic records for your citations, manually or electronically, from databases, catalogs or the Web.
  • Manage data through annotations, self-assigned tags, author-specified keywords, and attachments.
  • Create your own critical abstracts.
  • Search and organize your own database of references according to your personal preferences (Folder, subject, item type, etc.).
  • Link to word processing documents and insert footnotes, endnotes, or in-text citations.
  • Create a standalone reference list using sources within database of references.

This LibGuide will focus on the following bibliographic reference tools:

Plagiarism Tutorial

Take this awesome tutorial on plagiarism created by former L.A. Alliant Library Director, Shawna Hellenius. 

It'll teach you the ins and outs of recognizing and avoiding plagiarism!

Note, to view: You will need to sign in to Moodle


Though these reference management tools are great for organization and note keeping, it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • Always double-check generated bibliographies and in-text citations for correct citation style agreement.
  • It is important to be familiar with the citation style.
  • Always refer back to style manuals for accuracy.
  • Adjust or edit output styles when necessary.

The program will not correct typos, errors or ommissions from references manually inputted or imported from databases or catalogues.

  • Always proofread for accuracy and grammar mechanics.
  • Adjust or edit output when necessary.

Quick Comparisons

Here a few links to libraries who have created comparison charts of bibliographic reference tools.