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Measures and Surveys and Scales, Oh My! - Finding Assessment Tools: Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY)

This guide will help dissertation students locate measuring instruments and psychometric information about them. The term, test, is used when referring to any type of instrument or tool, including measure, survey, questionnaire, scale, and interview.


The MMY includes extensive coverage of tests published (commercially available) in English. Included are only those which are new or recently revised and include sufficient technical documentation. Each volume provides descriptive information, critical reviews, psychometric properties, and references related to their construction, validity, or use in various settings.

Search by Keyword


Search by Test Title

  • Type the title of a test (ex: Slosson Intelligence). Enter full test name or only the main words in the test.
  • Select Title from the drop down box and click Search.


Search by Test Category - Useful to see a list for a broad topic such as personality.
It is not necessary to enter a keyword, but you can if need to be more specific.

  • Highlight the Test Category desired.
  • Click the Search button.


The Index...Another Way to Search

Search by specific Indexes (such as acronymns)

Useful for: acronyms, administration mode, author, reviewer, publisher name, scores, test category, test code, test name, time and year of publication.

The drop down menus will list the available index options to select.  Select an index and enter a term to search.

  • Example: Select Acronym, then enter an acronym such as SIT, then click Search to retrieve a list of tests with that acronym.
  • Example: Select Scores, then enter a keyword such as depression, then click Search to retrieve a list of tests which are used to test for depression.


OR BROWSE the Indexes

  • On the blue menu bar, click on Indexes.
  • Select an index to browse.
    • Example: Select Test Category, then click Browse. Mark a box, then click the Search button to retrieve a list of tests from that category.
    • Example: Select Scores, then enter a keyword such as depression, then click Browse. Mark a box, then click the Search button to retrieve a list of tests which are used to test for depression.