How can I see what I have checked out, what items I’ve placed on hold, or have requested from other libraries?
- Go to the library home page
- Click on "My Library Account."
- Enter your first name and your last name, with a space between your first name and last name. You may also use just your last or family name only.
- Enter your six-digit University ID number or the 14-digit barcode from your ID card. Do not use spaces or hyphens.
- Click on "Submit" or press the Enter key. If you experience problems, go to the Login FAQ.
- Default screen is “Items Checked Out.” On the left hand side of the screen click "Requests (holds)" to see the status of items currently on hold. Click on "Interlibrary loan request" to see active ILL requests (requests will not appear until the ILL technician moves the request from “new” to “pending”).
How can I renew my library materials online?
- Go to the library home page , click on "My Library Account." Enter username and barcode or ID number
- Default screen is "Items Checked Out." Click "Renew All" or click box for each item you want to renew and click "Renew Selected."
- Overdue items may be renewed online if there are no holds on items. You will owe any accumulated fines.
- You may not renew items on hold or items that have reached their maximum number of renewals. You must return these items as soon as possible. If these items become overdue, you will owe accumulated fines.
When I try to log in, I get an error message that reads,"Your library privileges have expired. If you believe this to be in error, please contact the Circulation Desk." What should I do?
- Contact your home library to update your personal information and extend your library card.
I am not receiving any library notices through email (pickup notices, overdues).
- First check your email address by logging into "My Library Account."
- You can correct or change your email address by clicking on the "Modify Personal Info" button.
- Once you have verified that your email account is correct, make sure your Spam blocker is turned off and that you check your spam or junk mail folder. If the library notices are going there, add the email notice address to your accept or safe list.
- You may also want to add an additional email account to your records as a precaution. Add your email in this format: "," Use just a coma with no spaces between the email addresses.
- SMS alerts can be set up through “My Library Account” (standard messaging rates apply).
Updated 4/27/2015 Rschiff