In response to recent confusion, please note the following points:
The tabs on this page provide explanations of how several of the larger assessment platforms function. If there is a platform or assessment system you do not see here, contact library@alliant.edu.
The information below is intended to help users determine which platform contains the test(s) they are interested in. NOTE: the fact that a test is listed under a platform does not necessarily mean that the entire test and all of its components are available digitally. Test publishers that make their materials available online do so in a variety of ways. Some have their forms online as PDFs, but without test manuals; others create online forms that gather the same information as the paper forms; still others place their test manuals and stim books online in digital format, but still require paper and pencil administration of the test.
Faculty members teaching assessment courses that require tests and protocols need to submit requests to their library location before the start of the semester. Requests not submitted at least three weeks prior to the start date are likely to encounter delays, as it is possible some of the requested material will need to be purchased, shipped to campus, and processed for use.
Important Note Regarding Copyright: Assessment forms are protected by copyright, and may not be photocopied or reproduced. The only exception is the copying of a completed form for the purpose of conveying a client’s records to another qualified professional. If you need more forms, please contact library@alliant.edu.
Lost or missing assessment material is billed to the library account on which the material was checked out. If you are a faculty member with checked out assessment materials, we strongly suggest that you keep track of which test and what copy has been given to which student. You may choose to use a log including the student name, test and barcode and/or copy. Test Tracking Sheet Example (PDF). If you can provide the student information when a test hasn't been returned at the end of the session, then we will charge the student directly instead of your department.
These links are for use by faculty and students in assessment classes. For assessment needs not related to assessment classes, such as dissertation research or internship/practica, please contact library@alliant.edu.
FOR FACULTY - use this if all the students in your class need the same packet of forms shipped to them
If you are an assessment instructor and you would like packets of protocols (test answer sheets) mailed to your students, please submit a request using this form: Faculty Request Form
FOR STUDENTS - for students in assessment classes who need forms that the rest of the class does not need
If you are a student in an assessment class and your instructor has advised you to submit a request to have protocols mailed to you, please use this form: Student Request Form
ABCL (Adult Behavior Checklist) | ASR (Adult Self-Report) | BPM (Brief Problem Monitor) | CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist) | C-TRF (Caregiver-Teacher Report Form) | OABC (Older Adult Behavior Checklist) | OASR (Older Adult Self-Report) | TRF (Teacher Report Form) | YSR (Youth Self Report)
ASRS | CAARS | CDI 2 | CEFI | CEFI Adult | Conners 3 | Conners CBRS | MASC-2
IIP-64 (Inventory of Interpersonal Problems) | IIP-32
BRIEF (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function) | DAPS | NEO-PI-3 | PAI | PAI-A | TSCC | TSI-2
BASC - 3 | BBHI 2 | BCSE | BDI-II | BETA-4 | BHI 2 | BHS | BMAT | BOT-2 | BSI | BSI-18 | BSRA-3 | BSS | BYI-2 | Bayley-4 | Bayley-4 Screening Test | Beery VMI | Bridge of Vocabulary 2 | Brown EF-A Scales | Burns Brief Inv | CAInv-Enhanced | CAInv-Vocational | CCC-2 | CELF Preschool-2 | CELF Preschool-3 | CELF-4 | CELF-5 | CELF-5-Meta | CISS | CLQT+ | CVLT 3 | CVLT-C | CVLT-II | D-KEFS | D-REF | D-REF-Adult | DAS-II | DIAL-4 | ESI-3 | EVT-2 | EVT-3 | GAMA | GFTA-2 | GFTA-3 | GFTA-3-US_SP | GRS | KABC-II | KBIT-2 | KTEA-3 | KTEA-3-Brief | M-PACI | MACI | MACI-II | MAPI | MBMD | MCCI | MCMI-III | MCMI-IV | MIPS Revised | MMPI-2 | MMPI-2-RF | MMPI-3 | MMPI-3-ES | MMPI-A | MMPI-A-RF | NEPSY-II | OLAI-2 | P-3 | PEDI-CAT | PLS-5 | PLS-5 Screening Test | PPVT-4 | PPVT-5 | PRQ | QOLI | Quickview | RBANS Update | Ravens2 | SCAN-3 A | SCAN-3 C | SCL-90-R | SP2 | SPELL-Links to Reading_Writing | SSIS SEL Edition | Shaywitz_DyslexiaScreen | TFLS | Test of Premorbid Functioning | VIP | Vineland-3 | WAB-R | WAIS-V | WASI-II | WIAT-4 | WIAT-4 Dyslexia Index | WIAT-III | WISC-V | WISC-V Integrated | WISC-V-US_SP | WMS-IV | WMS-IV Flexible Approach | WNV | WPPSI-IV | WRAML2 | WRAML3 | WRAT5 | WRMT-III
WJ-IV Achievement | WJ-IV Cognitive | WJ-IV Oral